Web Programming
Programming allows you to make new software. Web site programming allows you to convert simple static html pages into dynamic. So other interacts with your site and uses this application on any computer with internet. It is easy to run directly on the computer. All web programming is connecting with web programming language. These all languages include static like HTML, XML, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Most popular web programming language is PHP.
PHP is most popular programming language. It is a server-side scripting language that embedded in HTML and used to create dynamic web pages and applications. PHP used in any platform such as windows, Linux
PHP Programming :
and managing emails, storing database, cookie creation in browser, and connecting sites and server. It is most commonly used MYSQL database.
We develop our own programming tools and merge them with other similar tools in the market. We updated on CMS and frameworks such as Smarty, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Drupal, Magento...
Ajax is the programming language that helps to make your website easy to solve complex needs of nowadays applications. Using Ajax enables to send data on internet without reloading current page. These means visitors stay on the page and multiple actions performed without refreshing page. Our team is well qualified, dedicated, provides you with the best services. We are believed in providing quality and cost effective solutions.
Javascript :
JavaScript is programming language of the Web. All HTML pages are using JavaScript. We are focusing on website programming, and we build both small and high level companies site.